The Gallery By Wish x An Exploration Of Her Ritual: Opening Night

Photo Apr 13, 6 49 26 PM

Photo Apr 13, 6 51 00 PM

Photo Apr 13, 6 51 48 PM

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The Gallery By Wish Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

Art By: Chrissy Brimmage

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Live Painting By: Faatimah Stevens

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An Exploration of Her Ritual (HER RITUAL), is an exhibition focused on the exploration and celebration of the rituals practiced by women of color.

HER RITUAL features twenty-three (23) new and original works created by Atlanta-based artists, photographers, designers and filmmakers, focused on the mystery and normalcy of feminal rituals. Each woman explores a ritual through the lens of personal, cultural and familial traditions, as well as non-traditional, modern rituals. Each work incorporates photography as a connective thread reinforcing the rawness and authenticity of each ritual. The opening will include interactive elements, inviting guests to also engage in on-site rituals. Our community continues to help make the gallery opening a success! With a line passed the gallery and around the corner, we can say we had a packed house! The feedback and interaction with the art/artists was positive and so empowering.

An Exploration of Her Ritual | Curated by: Monica Campana, SOAP Goods Creative and Paula Cuevas On View till May 4th, 2018!


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