The Moreland Marauders Project: The MC – Curtis Williams

To wrap up our “Moreland Marauders” Project, we shift our focus to the element of the heralded MC. To get a better understanding of today’s MC, we enlisted Atlanta rapper Curtis Williams of Two9. The next big thing out of Atlanta’s music scene, Curtis and the Two9 collective have used their edgy and diverse sound to become one of the most buzzed-about groups, quickly rising in popularity in the Hip Hop world. Take a look below as Curtis speaks on the craft of the MC and shows off another one of the looks from our “Moreland Marauders” capsule:

Explain what doing your craft is like in today’s society with the advancement of technology, the internet, digital downloads, availability of information etc.? Do these elements prove as aids or obstacles?

Making music in today’s world is kind of bittersweet because its definitely somewhat easy to get your music out there and get noticed. But being that everyone is on twitter and shit like that, people have begun to judge artists based on their appearance or how cool they are rather then actually listening to what is being said. But I definitely feel like its an aid if you use it the right way. 

How does your craft influence HipHop today and vice versa?

I’m just trying to bring a familiar but fresh breath of air to Hip Hop; in Atlanta atleast. So I think MCs kind of influence Hip Hop by pushing people to go back to being creative and doing what they love, not just trying to get single or a check. And I just watch the guys that are really making a statement and see how far they have gotten with their craft, so it influences me to stay true to my shit and keep creating. 

For more information on Curtis Williams or to hear some of his music, visit

Curtis Williams, hip hop, moreland marauders, two9


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